Steve Jobs zwraca uwagę na szczegóły [uaktualnienie]
Vic Gundotra, pracownik Google, opowiada niesamowitą historię dbałości o szczegóły przez Steve’a Jobsa:
One Sunday morning, January 6th, 2008 I was attending religious services when my cell phone vibrated. As discreetly as possible, I checked the phone and noticed that my phone said „Caller ID unknown”. I choose to ignore.
After services, as I was walking to my car with my family, I checked my cell phone messages. The message left was from Steve Jobs. „Vic, can you call me at home? I have something urgent to discuss” it said.
Before I even reached my car, I called Steve Jobs back. I was responsible for all mobile applications at Google, and in that role, had regular dealings with Steve. It was one of the perks of the job.
„Hey Steve – this is Vic”, I said. „I’m sorry I didn’t answer your call earlier. I was in religious services, and the caller ID said unknown, so I didn’t pick up”.
Steve laughed. He said, „Vic, unless the Caller ID said 'GOD’, you should never pick up during services”.
I laughed nervously. After all, while it was customary for Steve to call during the week upset about something, it was unusual for him to call me on Sunday and ask me to call his home. I wondered what was so important?
„So Vic, we have an urgent issue, one that I need addressed right away. I’ve already assigned someone from my team to help you, and I hope you can fix this tomorrow” said Steve (…)
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Źródło: Daring Fireball
Komentarze: 6
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Za chwilę pojawi się artykuł: „Steve Jobs usmiechnął się do recepcjonistki”
Zaraz zaczną się pojawiać wyrazy współczucia po odejściu Jobsa, imprezy wspominkowe, pomniki itd :D
Co za naród. Musicie się czepiać? Nie możecie żyć bez przycinek? Inni jakoś są zainteresowani ciekawymi opowiadaniami związanymi z jednym z największych wizjonerów IT. Poczytajcie komentarze pod pełnym opowiadaniem (link jest podany wyżej) i zobaczcie co inni piszą na temat tej historii pracownika Googla. Chyba tylko Polacy są tak zrzędzącym narodem :-]